We offer acupuncture (Chinese and Japanese style as well), with needles, as well as non-needle techniques for patients who cannot tolerate needles. Electroacupuncture is used as well, and we are certified in Electroacupuncture (many acupuncturists use needles with electrical stimulation, but few are actually certified in Electroacupuncture). So-called dry needling is also provided in our office.
CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE: Jadranka Perl is also certified in Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Adjunct services include moxibustion, Tui Na, Gua sha, auricular stimulation, press balls, infrared heat lamps, etc.
SPORTS MEDICINE ACUPUNCTURE: Jadranka Perl is one of a few Sports Medicine certified acupuncturists in the USA (about 150 across the USA) and she specializes in musculoskeletal (muscles, joints, spine) injuries and nerve injuries.
INSURANCE is accepted, we are in a network with all major health insurers, including Blue Cross Blue Shield from any state, not just Massachusetts and Connecticut (federal Blue Cross plans included). As long as your policy provides acupuncture benefits, we can take it. In most cases, no referral is needed from your doctor. Some of the plans we work with are Aetna, CIGNA, Fallon Public Health Plans, Harvard Pilgrim, Health Plans Inc., Tufts, etc.
Medicare Advantage plans can generally be accepted, but Medicare covers only nonspecific low back pain and nothing else. For coverage details, call us at (508) 792-3200.
WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCES (including federal – department of Labor etc) are accepted after an order or referral is sent to us from your PCP or other treating provider, and once such referral/order gets to us, we have to obtain approval from the insurer or their Utilization Review agent, and then we obtain agreement from the insurer to pay the bills (except for federal cases because we have a contract with them).
We treat virtually all conditions known to humanity. A partial list is here, if you do not see what you are looking for, please call us at (508) 792-3200, or email ewmc381@gmail.com.
Business: (508) 792-3200 |
Fax: (508) 792-0400
Email Us: ewmc381@gmail.com
381 Park Ave., Worcester, MA 01610
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