Acupuncture Clinic
Eastern And Western Medical Center (acupuncture clinic) was created by merging Acupuncture & TCM (acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine services) with Western modalities; such as electrical stimulation and others. Also bringing in additional practitioners to our fold, including an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, and a psychiatrist.
We can stimulate the acupuncture points using surface electrodes with very low-intensity currents, so you can barely feel it; this works well for patients who are afraid of needles.
Related to my Sports Medicine and orthopedic acupuncture practice is the treatment of personal injuries.
I treat patients with various injuries caused by auto, motorcycle, and workplace accidents.
Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and to treat pain – from headaches to foot problems and everything in between.
Sports Medicine Acupuncture incorporates principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Sports Medicine to view the patient’s injury from a truly integrated perspective.
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